
From Head to Heart

Finding our way from Greek mindset to a Hebrew style of learning What do you think of when you think of Greece? I imagine white-washed dwellings, transparent aqua seas, and white sand beaches. While I have not yet been there, it is definitely on my list of dream destinations. Yet, even though I may live…

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“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.” William Pollard What is success and how do we create it? How do we assure that our children are getting what they need to get there? As parents, we desire to…

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Real Learning

How would you define learning? If you are like most, coming up with a definition is challenging. Even for those who consider themselves professional educators, finding clarity is a struggle, and the definitions would vary greatly. Recently, in reworking my website (Yes, AGAIN…Let’s talk about REAL learning!), I did a search for images relating to…

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Redefining “Success”

I saw it in my parents, and now I see it in myself… At the core of every parent’s heart is the desire to see their child succeed. But what does success look like? Is there a one-size-fits-all answer that will help us plot a course? And could someone please tell us who has the…

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Do we really teach our kids anything?

I want to invite you to think for a moment… What are your most significant memories of learning in elementary school? How about junior high? High school? Any come to mind? As I dust off the treasure chests of learning from my own school years, I find lessons like: Kindergarten – I discovered that I…

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